Happy Mother’s Day!

“The Most Important Person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral -a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby’s body. . . The angels have not been blessed with such…

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This time it is back to Hamilton County. Reported by our friends at Columbus RTL Nothing is sacred to the abortion-obsessed at the ACLU. They filed their first lawsuit attacking Ohio’s law as it relates to informed consent before an abortion on Good Friday. Today, just days before Mother’s Day, they filed another motion that would eliminate…

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A Common Good Framework in Bioethics and Policy

By Michelle Kirtley, originally published May 8, 2024, Public Discourse The public bioethics conversations of the twenty-first century will be much more nuanced and complicated than the abortion debate of the last fifty years. If we want to speak thoughtfully about how these and other technologies are shaping our future, we will need to move…

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Try a Little Tenderness

By Noelle Mering, originally published May 6, 2022, The American Mind A subversive message for Mother’s Day “A face only a mother could love” is a funny old idiom to describe a homely person. On the surface, the saying indicates a mother’s obliviousness to the plain reality that everyone else sees. But it’s not the…

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The Dystopian Future Is Here

Why do we let depressed young women choose euthanasia? By Katrina Trinko, originally published May 5, 2024, The Daily Signal Once, we told stories of rescuing women in distress. Now, we hand them a prescription for assisted suicide. Two young women in the Netherlands, Jolanda Fun and Zoraya ter Beek, have recently done media interviews explaining…

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The Polish midwife who delivered 3000 babies at Auschwitz

By Michael Cook, originally published April 16, 2024, Mercator Fifty years ago died one of the most remarkable women of the 20th century. You have probably never heard of Stanisława Leszczyńska. Few people have. Yet she was a model of heroism and humanity who should be acclaimed around the globe. Stanisława was a Polish midwife…

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Is aborting someone OK if we won’t miss them?

By Chiara McKenna, originally published April 30, 2024, Mercator By now, you’ve probably been seeing the headlines in both the left- and right-wing media. Comedian Bill Maher admitted on HBO’s Real Time that abortion is murder. To be exact, Maher stated the following: “I scold the left when they say ‘they [pro-lifers] just hate women.’ They don’t hate women… they…

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Why Do Abortion Providers Get a Pass?

By Lloyd Holm, D.O., originally published May 2, 2024, Pregnancy Help News Planned Parenthood recently released its 2022-2023 annual report and the data are telling. The nation’s largest abortion business reported 392,715 “abortion procedures” while the Guttmacher Institute estimates a total of 1,026,690 abortions performed in the United States in 2023, 63% of which were chemically induced. In his…

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Governments Complain About Low Birth Rates at UN Population Conference

By Iulia-Elena Cazan, originally published May 3, 2024, Center for Family & Human Rights NEW YORK, May 3 (C-Fam) A groundswell of complaints engulfed the annual UN Commission on Population and Development. Countries are in an angry panic about the results of decades-long propaganda favoring lowering fertility rates. Even so, Western countries and UN agencies…

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Every State Facing Deceptive, Unlimited Abortion Ballot Measures This November

By Jordan Boyd, originally published May 3, 2024, The Federalist Eleven states could see abortion through all nine months of pregnancy enshrined in their state constitutions this November. Democrats and their abortion giant allies want to legalize killing unborn babies throughout all nine months of gestation in every state. A majority of U.S. adults reject that position,…

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