Abortion is the Child Sacrifice of our Times

By: Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, columnist for The Leaven Catholic NewspaperOriginally published in The Leaven on October 6, 2023 One of the most exquisite artistic features of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Kansas City, Kansas, is the stained-glass windows. The seven windows high on the back sanctuary wall depict biblical events that are relevant…

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Abortion up to birth is just not right!

12 Days Left! WE THANK YOU! Because of our supporters, millions have been reached and Cincinnati Right to Life has: We continue to work 24/7 as we strive to educate on Issue 1 and debunkthe LIES of the abortion industry!We are going strong and are not tired yet! Our second television commercial is beginning today!…

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CCO Statement Regarding Ohio Catholic Hospitals and Miscarriage Care

The Catholic Conference of Ohio issued the following statement on October 13: Over thirty Catholic hospitals, providing care to millions of patients in Ohio, affirm their commitment to delivering comprehensive healthcare for women and preborn children during pregnancy complications.  Contrary to common misconception, neither Catholic religious directives nor any state law restrict Catholic hospitals from…

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‘Vote NO on Issue 1’: Catholic Ohio Restaurant Owner Not Backing Down

Originally published in Catholic Vote on October 24, 2023, CatholicVote.org CV NEWS FEED // The owner of an Ohio restaurant is not backing down after he placed a sign supporting the pro-life side in the state’s November referendum in front of the establishment.  Brian Arlinghaus, a Catholic, is the owner of Copper Blue in Milford,…

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Patients in the Womb Deserve Equal Medical Care | Opinion

By Chuck Donovan and Tara Sander Lee, Charlotte Lozier Institute, Opinion ContributorOriginally published October 11, 2023 in Newsweek / newsweek.com In today’s America, political controversy rages over when—or whether—legal protections should begin for children in the womb. The arguments are intense, and tend to focus on milestone events in fetal development, like the onset of the…

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Ohio’s Proposed Abortion Amendment Goes Too Far | Opinion

By Michael S. Parker, OB/GYN, Opinion ContributorOriginally published October 19, 2023 in Newsweek / newsweek.com In Ohio this election cycle, voters are being asked to enshrine two falsehoods into the laws of their state: that abortion is health care and that Ohioans’ elected representatives have no role in abortion-related decisions. Abortion was illegal in most…

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Toledo Blade Editorial Board Encourages “NO on Issue 1;” Says it “Goes Too Far and Should Be Defeated”

On Sunday, October 22, The Blade Editorial Board advocated for a “NO VOTE” on Issue 1. Although the editorial emphasized that The Blade has “always supported women’s right to abortion,” they correctly pointed out that, even among the prochoice community, Issue 1 “goes too far and should be defeated.” Some highlights of the editorial follow: “This amendment requires…

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Proposed abortion amendment is morally wrong | Opinions

By: Robert D. Burger/Opinion Contributor Proposed abortion amendment is morally wrong | Opinions (cincinnati.com) There is a tremendous amount of misinformation promulgated about Issue 1, the proposed Ohio amendment that would legalize abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. This amendment is extreme, goes much farther than Roe v. Wade, and would erase all existing…

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