BREAKING: Convenience in Ohio Now Includes the Expansion of Abortion Pills
The growth and building of well-known gas stations and convenience stores in Ohio been big news in recent months. According to one source, “Ohio has become the expansion grounds for several large, chain gas stations such as Sheetz, Wawa, and Buc-ees.” Ohio’s first Buc-ees will be one the largest in the nation, boasting 120 gas pumps.

The retailers are thriving as convenience seems to be the name of the game in our “culture of on-demand” and “culture of click.”
Ohio is now also the expansion grounds for the “convenient” execution of the unborn.
Last week a Franklin County judge removed Ohio’s 24-hour waiting period for abortion. A safety measure for moms and babies, but deemed inconvenient by the courts and Planned Parenthood.
Today, Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Allison Hathaway issued a preliminary injunction against Ohio’s laws that provided protection for women from the harms of chemical abortion. This includes the requirement that only physicians provide abortions, and our requirement that the abortion pill is only distributed in accordance with the FDA’s health and safety guidelines (including the gestation limits of ten weeks).
Today’s ruling not only opens the doors to pharmacists and nurses being permitted to prescribe the abortion pill, but it may also result in them being pressured or forced to. It certainly will allow retail pharmacies, like CVS and Walgreens, who are distributing the abortion pill in other states but had deferred to Ohio law, to start stocking them.
According to Planned Parenthood, the abortion pill is very effective. If you’re taking mifepristone and misoprostol, it depends on how far along the pregnancy is, and how many doses of medicine you take. At 8-9 weeks pregnant, it works about 94-96% of the time. At 9-10 weeks pregnant, it works about 91-93% of the time. If you take an extra dose of misoprostol, it works about 99% of the time. At 10-11 weeks pregnant, it works about 87% of the time.
Are you unfamiliar with chemical abortion and the trauma it unleashes on mothers? Listen to this podcast with caution. The Truth Behind Chemical Abortion – Cincinnati Right to Life
As a reminder, Cincinnati Right to Life has recommended a boycott of Walgreens and CVS, joining other pro-life groups around the nation to stop doing business with these new “abortion facilities” which are experiencing store closures and profit losses. In a recent mailed newsletter, we issued this request again, along with a recent campaign to contact COSTCO requesting they do not begin selling these pills of death.
Cincinnati Right to Life has also reported how these abortion drugs were fast-tracked and promoted during the Clinton-Obama era. Award winning journalist Lisa Murtha wrote about the harms to the environment from RU 486, and even suggested that quite possibly, people being more concerned about the environment may be the back door to ending the use of abortion pills.
As the abortion pills making up RU-486 are promoted and used at a greater rate to end the life of the unborn, it is even more important women are educated on abortion pill reversal. Pioneered by Dr. George Delgado, a hotline for women who regret taking the abortion pills is now operated by Heartbeat International in Columbus, OH. Thousands of lives have been saved thanks to the Abortion Pill Rescue Network. Mainstream medical associations are recently admitting that the use of progesterone during a chemical abortion can safely be used to stop the abortion.

Laura Strietmann, Executive Director of Cincinnati Right to Life shares, “The pro-life movement in Ohio warned citzens of our state that the passage of Issue 1 would make Ohio one of the most radical abortion states in the nation. In the past ten days, judges in Franklin and Hamilton Counties are making sure this prediction becomes reality. The Ohio Abortion Complex will stop at nothing to profit from killing the unborn in the Buckeye State. Women deserve love and support, not abortion.”
Will you join our team of volunteers saving lives in Clifton?
Our sidewalk advocates are reaching women entering Cincinnati’s abortion facility in Clifton, Planned Parenthood. We need more help in our work that is directly responding to the Ohio abortion expansion.
Saturday, September 21 at our offices, CRTL will be hosting another trainning. Please join our community of passionate life advocates!