State Supreme Court Races are VITAL for Life in November 2024

The New York Times recently reported the importance of State Supreme Court races, naming Ohio as a battleground for 2024. In an article titled: 2 Liberal Groups to Spend $5 Million on State Supreme Court Races, the publication bylined the article with: The National Democratic Redistricting Committee and Planned Parenthood Votes are joining together to help their preferred…

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Memorial Day Weekend Plans?

Our grassroots activism did not end with Issue 1! There are HUNDREDS of abortions every month in Cincinnati, thousands in Ohio.We can make a difference and do something to end abortion. Help us change hearts and minds-JOIN us tomorrow!

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Our Pagan Revolution and What to Do About It

By August Meyrat, originally published May 11, 2024, The Catholic Thing It’s no secret that Christianity is on the wane across America. Even before the COVID-19 lockdowns, church attendance was steadily decreasing and the religiously unaffiliated ‘Nones’ were becoming the largest “denomination” in America. After COVID, this decline has been even more precipitous. Many believe that this is simply…

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Large families will save the planet

By Carlos Beltramo, Ph.D. | PRI European Office, originally published May 6, 2024 “Ideas have Consequences,” warned Richard Weaver.  And bad ideas have had very bad consequences, especially when it comes to population. Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb, published in 1968, was one of the worst ideas ever to come from the mind of man. It…

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Women Say They Were Pressured Into Long-Term Birth Control

By Alana Semuels, published May 13, 2024, Miannica Frison was in the throes of labor in 2020 when a nurse entered her room at UAB Hospital in Birmingham, Ala. Frison was screaming in pain. But rather than see how she could help, Frison recalls, the nurse said she heard Frison was having her third…

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How Pro-Abortion States Are Blocking Other States From Protecting The Unborn

So-called ‘abortion shield laws’ will prevent pro-life states and their citizens from holding abortionists accountable. By Guzi He, published May 13, 2024, The Federalist Since the fall of Roe v. Wade in 2022, pro-abortion states have begun devising measures to shelter abortionists whose operations were hampered by states that chose to protect unborn life. These so-called “abortion…

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