BREAKING: Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Abortion Drug Mifepristone

June 13, 2024-It is a sad day for women and babies in America as the dangerous chemical abortion regime will remain legal through 10 weeks gestation after the Supreme Court’s decision in the FDA v. AHM court case. The ruling was based on standing and not merit, which will allow other future cases on chemical abortion to come…

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What’s Stopping Liberals From Having Kids

The Success Narratives of Liberal Life Leave Little Room for Having Children By: Anastasia Berg and Rachel Wiseman, originally published June 10, 2024, The New York Times/Opinion For young, secular, politically progressive men and women, having children has become something of an afterthought. Liberal conventional wisdom encourages people to spend their 20s on journeys of…

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An Influential Anti-Abortion Think Tank Says Science Is On Its Side

Meet the anti-abortion group using white coats and research to advance its cause The Charlotte Lozier Institute wants to arm the anti-abortion movement with science, but critics say its research is flawed. By: Bracey Harris, originally published June 7, 2024, NBC News On a winter day less than two years after the fall of Roe…

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The Abortion Industry Owes Its Success To The Proliferation Of Feminism

By: Carrie Gress, originally published June 4, 2024, The Federalist If we are serious about helping women and protecting the vulnerable, we must stop believing the lie that feminism has been good for women. Since the triumphant end of Roe v. Wade two years ago this June, pro-lifers have suffered loss after political loss. Capitalizing on this…

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Of Beetles and Babies: The Possible Futures for Standing after FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine

By: Erik Baptist, originally published June 6, 2024, The Federalist Society The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to issue a decision in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. The Court’s decision could have a significant impact on lawsuits that challenge federal agency actions on a broad range of subjects—from energy development projects to pesticide approvals. In…

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The Cultural Roots of Our Demographic Ennui

By: Patrick T. Brown, originally published June 5, 2024, Public Discourse To get us out of the self-consuming ouroboros of frantically chasing experiences rather than investing in home and relationships will require a greater attention to virtues of thrift, local commitment, and a lower bar for what “living comfortably” looks like. Choosing to do hard…

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It’s time to celebrate a WIN for LIFE!

It’s time to celebrate!Our First Known CincinnatiSidewalk Advocacy Birthday! A beautiful baby girl was born several weeks ago and we are inviting you to help us celebrate while supporting mom in her decision to choose life. BABY SHOWER LINK Here is some of the story, enough to share what a miracle this is! This past November…

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Southwest Ohio’s Deadly Abortion Business Gets a New Leader

In 2022, Planned Parenthood on Auburn Ave. in Cincinnati killed 3,129 pre-born children. According to the most recent national annual report by Planned Parenthood, the profitable business that also receives tax dollars, nationally committed 392,715 abortions in their 2022-23 fiscal year. In their busiest year yet, Planned Parenthood killed 40% of the pre-born babies in America that…

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A Blessed Memorial Day

A Memorial Day message and prayer from Cincinnati Right to Life and the Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio Today, we honor the memory of our fallensoldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen who selflesslygave their lives while defending our great nation.They knew what was worth fighting for and dying for – God is the source…

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Is the Fight against Assisted Dying a Lost Cause?

By Mehmet Ciftci, originally published May 21, 2024, Public Discourse Canada’s infamy has led many to rethink their support for assisted dying, no matter how strong the purported safeguards may be. The legalization of assisted dying in the UK is inevitable, according to UnHerd columnist Kathleen Stock. She argues that the death of God has created a secular outlook…

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