What Does Issue 1 Mean to Ohio Sportsmen?

Regardless of who, what and why, Issue 1 is on the ballot, and Ohio sportsmen must decide – should you take an active role in protecting Ohio’s Constitution or should you continue to stand on the sidelines letting animal-rights extremists and gun-control advocates use the ballot to crater our outdoor traditions and heritage. Ohio’s Constitution…

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Follow the $$

Financial reports were filed this week by the Issue 1 groups. According to a report from the Columbus Dispatch: “One Person One Vote has vastly outraised and outspent its opponents, allowing the group to dominate the airwaves with advertising. On top of the $14.8 million in contributions, opponents received $1.8 million in services provided by…

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Early Voting on Ohio Referendum High as November Abortion Vote Hinges on Outcome

GET OUT AND VOTE EARLY! Based on numbers provided through the secretary of state’s website, the referendum to change the constitutional amendment process has already surpassed 285,000 early votes as of July 25, which is the most recent update. An Ohio referendum that would increase the threshold needed to adopt future constitutional amendments through ballot…

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We Need EVERYONE to Join us in Prayer

Rosary Rally to Save Ohio’s Children Save Our Ohio Children! VOTE YES on Issue 1 August 8 They’re coming for our children andwe must stop them in Ohio! All eyes are on Ohio, this is our time to stop the abortion machine in America from continuing their march of destruction across our nation. Destroying children…

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Cincinnati RTL Statement on Secretary of State Certifying Ohio Abortion Ballot Initiative

Signatures Verified for the Ohio Abortion Enshrinement Amendment For Immediate ReleaseContact: Laura Strietmann, Executive Director513-728-7870 CINCINNATI-While extremely disappointing, it is no surprise that the Ohio abortion industry achieved the number of signatures needed to put the radical abortion amendment on Ohio’s November ballot. After submitting over 700,000 signatures on July 5, the group working to…

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Ohio at the Crossroads: Voters to Decide Fate of Pro-Life Laws

Voters in Ohio are facing crucial referendums on Aug.8 and Nov.7 that could broadly enshrine the sexual revolution into state law. Pro-abortion forces in Ohio are gearing up to try to force a referendum vote this November to legalize abortion-on-demand but are facing opposition. “Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights” claimed to have delivered more than…

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Early voting is open!

See hours below-please vote early, VOTE YES! Please save these graphics on your phone and text every pro-life, pro-family, pro-small business friend in Ohio to get out and VOTE! Some voters need reminders!

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The Radical Special Interest Groups Have Been Caught

Lies Upon Lies From the radical out-of-state special interest groups fightingIssue 1 and attempting to hijack Ohio’s constitution.  THEY HAVE BEEN CAUGHT! For months, the ACLU and its allies have lied directly to Ohioans, claiming their dangerous ballot initiative is only about abortion and does not attack parental consent and notification requirements or apply to life-altering sex change…

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Sex Trafficking and the Abortion Industry: Evil Twins

Have you seen Sound of Freedom? In a summer where classic blockbusters like Mission Impossible, Transformers, Spider-Man, and Indiana Jones were expected to create the buzz (and the earnings), the true-story of the sick and evil industry of child sex trafficking is the conversation of the summer. Ranking number two in the box office draw with a limited…

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Excellent backgrounder explaining “Vote YES on Issue 1”

Our friends from Columbus Right to Life have created and shared this excellent backgrounder on Vote YES on Issue 1 in Ohio, August 8.  It is in-depth and teaches why this election is crucial for the pro-life vote but for the many family-valued issues Ohioans care so deeply about. Please feel free to download and…

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