The Truth Behind Chemical Abortion

Podcast Ep. 115, with Elizabeth Gillette and Joseph Backholm, originally posted July 16, 2024, The Washington Stand Life-threatening, deceitful, and traumatic, the abortion pill is ruining lives. Host Joseph Backholm is joined by pro-life speaker and author, Elizabeth Gillette, as she shares her story of being a victim of chemical abortion. Elizabeth shares how she…

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Leaders Respond to the Republican Platform

Four days have passed, filled with lively debate between Christians, conservatives, abortion radicals and everyone in between. As the dust has settled, several prominent Christian and conservative leaders and organizations have released statements on the contentious platform, aiming to calm discourse and ease confusion. But what exactly have these leaders and groups been saying? We…

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SHOCKING and Sensitive MUST-SEE Video

Watch with discretion around children. This just released video caused the creator Laura Claussento be banned from Tik-Tok for TEN YEARS. Laura Klassen’s newest controversial animated short in the EXPOSED series released on July 2 with more than 1.6 million views across all platforms within a week. The landing page on the CHOICE42 site not only has the…

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Don’t Turn Away from Your DNA, GOP

By Ryan Bomberger, originally published July 9, 2024, Townhall/Opinion Politicians pander. Platforms shouldn’t.  Each Party’s manifesto is an articulation of their firmly held beliefs. The Democratic Party will “oppose and will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers” to abortion. We see this belief carried out in every federal and state law proposed and…

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Republican VP Hopefuls Back Off Pro-Life Principles

By S.A. McCarthy, originally published July 9, 2024, The Washington Stand A top Republican vice presidential contender is following former President Donald Trump’s lead and backing off pro-life protections and principles. On Sunday, Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) was asked by Kristen Welker on NBC’s “Meet the Press” about the Heritage Foundation’s proposed Project 2025, a conservative blueprint…

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A blessed Independence Day to our pro-life community!

Happy 4th of JulyfromCincinnati Right to Life God Bless America Almighty Father in Heaven, we praise You and Your holy name each day of our humble lives. We would not be here without You, Lord, and for that we are eternally grateful. You made all this a reality; the bright smiles and joyfullaughter around us…

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Supreme Court Allows, for Now, Emergency Abortions in Idaho

Originally published by AUL. The Supreme Court issued its decision in Moyle v. United States, the case that considers whether the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) requires emergency room medical personnel to perform “stabilizing” abortions in certain circumstances. Congress passed EMTALA to address patient dumping and protect women in active labor as well as their…

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Kroger Public Awareness Event

During the June 28, 2024 Kroger annual meeting in downtown Cincinnati, Dayton and Cincinnati Right to Lifes hosted a public awareness campaign on the street in front of the grocery giant’s corporate offices. A group of less than several dozen concerned pro-lifers held signs and passed out fliers to passers-by and even several Kroger employees…

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Republican Party Would Face Disaster if it Abandoned The Pro-Life Position

By: Suzanne Bowdey, published June 27, 2024, With just two weeks left until the GOP platform committee meets in Milwaukee, conservatives are preparing for what many believe will be an all-out war for the party’s soul. Rumors have been swirling for months that a quiet army of moderates is assembling to overthrow key Republican pillars on life and…

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What Do Fish Have to Do With Abortion?

By: Missy Martinez-Stone, June 28, 2024, Center for Client Safety The end of the Chevron Doctrine brings hope for stronger regulation of abortion facilities. n Friday, June 28, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered their ruling on a case involving four family-owned fishing companies and the National Marine Fisheries Service, a federal agency. While Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo,…

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