We Carry On!

Last week was difficult. Tuesday’s defeat of Issue 1 was not what we expected after months of prayer, work, trust, and hope. To say we were disappointed is an understatement. In Ohio it still takes just 50% +1 of Ohioans to enshrine laws into our Ohio Constitution, our founding document that guides our state. This year it…

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Critical Safeguards for Chemical Abortion Must be Restored

Federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that mifepristone, one of two pills used in medication abortions, should not be prescribed past seven weeks of pregnancy or via telemedicine. However, a previous stay by the Supreme Court means this won’t go into effect right away. As reported by NPR, the pills will remain on the market in states…

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Please Join Us-J.D. Vance event next week

Painful, full-term abortion is on the Ohio ballot in November. This dark and diabolical effort to remove parental consent as well as common-sense health and safety standards for women must be defeated.

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Ohio Pro-Lifers Still Have a Path to Win in November

By MICHAEL J. NEW August 9, 2023 6:59 AM [National Review] Election results from Ohio this evening indicate that Issue 1 was defeated at the ballot box. Issue 1 would have required that future citizen-initiated constitutional amendments receive 60 percent of the vote in order to take effect. Ohio pro-lifers and conservatives made a substantial…

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Kayleigh McEnany: Pro-Life People Must Go on Offense

Speaking on Fox News’s America’s Newsroom Wednesday morning, Kayleigh McEnany, former White House Press Secretary and co-host of the network’s Outnumbered, told co-hosts Dana Perino and Bill Hemmer that pro-lifers should be more proactive heading into the 2024 election, challenging them to “put Democrats on defense” over their party’s support of abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy. Perino…

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Thank You and Stay Tuned

THANK YOU supporters and volunteers ofCincinnati Right to Life!The impact in southwest Ohio is enormous! Without YOU, we could not have ……….Knocked on 4,000 doorsCalled over 14,000 supporters reminding them to voteMailed 22,000 postcardsPrinted and given away 8,000 yard signsAdvertised on 700 WLW and 55 KRCReached over 800,000 Ohioans with digital adsPlaced 10 billboards throughout the…

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Issue 1 Defeated by Urban Vote

The abortion target remains over Ohio after yesterday’s defeat of Issue 1. With 57% of Ohioans casting a NO vote and 43% voting yes, Ohio’s Constitution will remain vulnerable to outside special interest groups attempting to enshrine painful, late term abortions in the upcoming November election. 59 of 88 counties cast a “YES” vote, supporting the protection…

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Thank You Prayer Warriors!

Cincinnati Right to Life sincerely THANKS each and every prayer warrior that attended Sunday’s crowded and inspired prayer rally for Ohio. An all-star line-up of speakers joining us with less than 3 weeks notice was an act of Our Lord. The great weather, the safe atmosphere and the companionship of thousands who care about the…

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Election Day! Vote for LIFE

Special Election Day in Ohio The polls show there is a close margin for victory, EVERY vote matters! Find your polling location here

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