Ohio March For Life

NOW IS THE TIME TO STAND FOR LIFE IN OHIO! Friday, October 6, 2023 “This year’s Ohio March for Life is the most significant the state has seen yet. Just one month after this March, Ohioans will be voting on an abortion-lobby led constitutional amendment which, if approved, would open the door to abortion up…

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What you can do to keep Issue 1 from passing

We have great news!There is a path to victory for opponents of Issue 1 in Ohio.As we all worry, work, and wonder what can be done, here are someREAL actions that will drive the loss for the pro-aborts working todestroy Ohio with the extreme, full-term abortion amendmentthat would even remove parental rights as well as health…

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Ohio abortion opponents draw Michigan comparison to sound alarm on ballot initiative

From the Washington Examiner Ohio advocates fighting an expansive abortion ballot initiative are pointing to Michigan as a preview of what could happen in the Buckeye State if voters accept a constitutional amendment ending abortion restrictions. While Ohio’s Issue 1 sits on November’s ballot this year, which opponents say will allow anyone of any age to obtain an abortion or…

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Ohio’s Abortion Amendment, what they’re not telling you!

VOTE NO on November 7 The only thing this amendment adds is ABORTION……intentionally vague language opens the door WIDE for full term abortion, removal of parental consent as well as health and safety standards for abortion businesses. Do yourself a favor and watch a legal expert break down the hidden meaning in this radical and…

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40 Days for Life National Leader brings message of ‘the beginning of the end of abortion’ to Cincinnati

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Mary ClarkSeptember 7, 2023 513-365-2606/cincy40days@fuse.net 40 Days for Life national leader brings message of ‘the beginning of the end of abortion’ to Cincinnati. Cincinnati, OH – Former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino, the director of outreach of the peaceful, prayerful, effective 40 Days for Life project, will tell the story of…

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Do you remember Corky from the ABC series, “Life Goes On?” The story was about an Illinois family whose son, Corky, had Down Syndrome. It was a breakthrough for handicapped persons, showing persons with Down Syndrome could live loving lives. If Corky lived in a post-Issue One Ohio, he could be aborted. Advances in prenatal…

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Few Legislative Proposals Do More to Decimate Women’s, Children’s and Parents’ Rights than the Constitutional Amendment on Ohio’s November Ballot

By: Lisa Murtha Proponents of amending the Ohio constitution this November have framed it as a simple “reproductive rights” issue. But the proposed amendment’s official name – the “Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative” – reveals the framers’ clear attempt at legislative sleight of hand. (emphasis added) The moment the amendment’s language was…

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Yes, late-term abortions are real, and they happen every day

By: Jeanne Mancini, Opinion ContributorThe Hill, Published 9/3/23 There is a concerted effort from the abortion lobby and its allies in media to convince Americans that there is no such thing as late term abortion. It isn’t true. Just recently, Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill claimed that: “Like Nessie and Bigfoot, the term ‘late-term abortion’ is completely made up. It’s anti-abortion propaganda with…

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