Our commitment remains in a pro-death Ohio

NOVEMBER ISSUE 1 PASSES: Cincinnati Right to Life Responds to November Ballot Amendment Passage CONTACT: Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati – Laura Strietmann, Executive Director 513-728-7870 mail@cincinnatirighttolife.org Cincinnati Right to Life continues to pursue a culture of life as our city and state looks towards the devastating potential of the passage of Issue 1. FOR…

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VOTE NO Issue 1 – Polls open – Call & Text Your Friends

ELECTION DAY We MUST get out and VOTE NO on Issue 1! Call and text your friends-drive them to the polls-EVERY vote matters! What kind of Ohio will we wake to on Wednesday? An Ohio where abortion through birth is legal for any reason?An Ohio where abortion medical standards are minimized and your tax dollars…

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George Soros Foundations Spending Millions for Ohio Pro-Abortion Campaign, Millions for Anti-Semitic Terror Groups

“I think he [Soros] fundamentally hates humanity.” — Elon Musk By TOM GILSON Published on November 2, 2023 – The Stream Pushing His Way Around Ohio Soros has been generous here — “generous” in this case meaning, “Spend millions on controlling other people’s lives.” Here are some of the numbers. According to Transparency USA reports Beltway-based, Soros-funded Sixteen Thirty Fund has…

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Remember Kermit Gosnell?

By John M. Grondelski | November 6th 2023 – The New Oxford Review Ohio in 2023 should not want to be Pennsylvania in 2013 As Buckeyes head to the polls Tuesday to vote on Issue 1, an extreme amendment to the State Constitution that would — among other things like surrogacy, artificial reproduction, and state…

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What does Texas have to do with Ohio?

By: John M. Grondelski, Ph.D., originally published in The Catholic World Report, November 4, 2023 Texas counted the unborn Carlin Holcombe as a victim of the November 5, 2017, mass shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Under Ohio’s Issue One, would Carlin be a victim? Do you remember Sutherland Springs? Maybe…

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A Deadly Word Game

By John M. Grondelski | November 6th 2023 – The New Oxford Review White lab coats seem to make people believe their wearers cannot engage in sophistry David Hackney is a Cleveland medical professor who is pushing Issue 1, the proposed Ohio state constitutional amendment to legalize abortion through birth, on the ballot tomorrow, November…

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Wake up Ohio – VOTE NO Issue 1

Sounding the AlarmWake up Ohio-wake up America! Do not let their dreams become Ohio’s nightmareVOTE NO on ISSUE 1! Ohioans: Don’t Be Deceived about Issue One! By John M. Grondelski from The American Thinker Ohioans vote Tuesday on Issue 1, a referendum question that would write abortion on demand through birth into the state constitution. Buckeyes: Don’t let pro-abortion…

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Baby born at 22 weeks, now thriving at 8 years old

Baby Born at 22 Weeks Weighing 1.3 lbs Is Now Thriving—He Was So Small He Could Wear Dad’s Wedding Ring as a Bracelet VOTE NO ON ISSUE 1! From EPOCH TIMES A California baby born at 22 weeks is thriving despite being so small he could wear his dad’s wedding ring as a bracelet. He…

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The Plot is Unfolding in Michigan

Look North to Michigan to See the Plot Unfolding When the proponents of Issue 1 began their Ohio misinformation campaign, (abortion is healthcare, women will die without abortion, you cannot get miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy care…blah, blah, blah…) pro-lifers sounded sirens, issued warnings, and began spreading truth as far and wide as possible. With out-of-state billionaires outspending Ohio pro-lifers by…

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