Abortion survivor protection bill blocked by Democrats
On Wednesday afternoon every Senate Democrat voted against protecting the lives of babies born alive after botched abortions.

Introduced by Sens. James Lankford, R-Okla., and Jim Banks, R-Ind., The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act states that a baby born alive from a failed abortion deserves the same protection and medical care as other newborns.

Cincinnati Right to Life thanks Ohio Senators Bernie Moreno and John Husted for voting to protect babies born in abortion facilities.
With 47 Democrats voting against ending debate on the life-protecting bill, a filibuster remains, blocking the pro-life measure from going forward for a final vote.
Senate Majority Leader John Thune, R-S.D., brought the bill to a vote on Wednesday. He spoke on behalf of the bill on the Senate floor prior to the vote, saying he expected Democrats to oppose the bill. He was correct.
“EVERY Senate Democrat just voted AGAINST my bill with Senator Lankford that would provide lifesaving care to newborns who survive abortions. This isn’t about politics. This is basic human dignity. Very disappointing!” said Indiana Senator Jim Banks after the vote. Senator Lankford added, “I am disappointed that every Senate Democrat voted against my Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, making something that should be common sense, completely partisan for the first time. This bill is straightforward and would save lives. I believe every life is valuable and that no one is disposable.”
In December of 2021 Governor Mike DeWine signed a Born Alive Protection Act in Ohio. LifeNews.com reports: Currently, about 18 states do not have laws to protect abortion survivors from infanticide. Some states never have passed laws to protect abortion survivors, while at least two others, New York and Illinois, repealed their laws requiring medical care for infants who survive abortions.
In September of last year, the Family Research Council’s Center for Human Dignity released an updated issue brief, Born-Alive Abortion Survivors: Just the Facts, and an updated Born-Alive Protections Map.
Cincinnati Right to Life has hosted abortion survivor Melissa Ohden to speak on behalf of our organization several times. Melissa and other abortion survivors stories can be found on Abortion Survivors Network.