A life-saving, innovative partnership in Ohio
Double Your Gift to Expand Operations of Our Mobile Ultra Sound Van
Today is Giving Tuesday!

An internationally-known day when millions of generous people
around the world give back to causes and organizations that are
making a difference.
We are EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE an innovative life-saving
partnership to grow our reach.
We are inviting you to join us!
In 2023 with the loss of the abortion ammendment, Ohio became an
Cincinnati is feeling this tragedy in an enormous way. Women are pouring over our southern border to end the lives of their sweet unborn children.
600+ cars a week enter our local killing business.
It is time for the pro-life movement to respond!
Through the generosity of Created Equal and their investors, a state-of-the-art ultrasound van was purchased and CRTL began operating the recuse unit in April 2024 outside the Planned Parenthood in Cincinnati.
Cincinnati Right to Life’s trained sidewalk advocates, meet women entering the death facility. The advocates are finding success in leading moms away from Planned Parenthood, offering immediate love, hope, compassion, honest information, and alternatives to abortion. Pregnancy Center West supports the effort by providing a medical director and part-time ultra sonographer in the van. Moms are then referred to a wonderful local pregnancy center near their homes for continued care.
The effort has been so successful, Created Equal, Cincinnati Right to Life, and Dayton Right to Life have formed a partnership, expanding the rescue effort, by providing full time availability with the van outside the killing facilities in Kettering and Cincinnati.
We are actively in the process of hiring a full time ultra sonographer to provide help every hour the death facilities are open!
Announcing a matching gift to support this effort.
Here are the expenses to operate the Van:
- Ultrasonographer: $5200/month – $62,400/year (assumes full-time)
- Vehicle Insurance: $550/month – $6600/year.
- Secure storage: $200/month – $2400/year.
- Van Fuel: $100/month – $1200/year.
Total: $6050/month – $72,600/year
If we can raise $30,000 by December 20, a generous donor has agreed to match that amount dollar for dollar!

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
-Helen Keller
Several weeks ago, one of our first van rescues, a beautiful young mom that our community so lovingly supported in a baby shower, gave birth to her precious daughter. Mom texted recently, “I will never forget you. THANK YOU!”
Imagine the countless lives that we can save together through our partnership, as we bring the transformative power of ultrasound technology directly to expectant mothers in our community!
As abortion-determined mothers pour over Ohio’s southern border seeking an answer to their “problem”, we will need to be ready to interpose on behalf of the innocent unborn and their moms. In this ever-changing post-Roe environment we can’t expect mothers to come to us. We must go to them–most especially the travelling moms.
By making this innovative tool readily available in accessible locations, we create an environment where informed choices can flourish, allowing more lives to be cherished and nurtured. Together, we can inspire hope and change, ensuring that every precious heartbeat is celebrated and protected. Join us in this vital mission and be a part of a future where compassion and support empower families and safeguard the sanctity of life.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all the dedicated pro-life supporters who make our mission at Cincinnati Right to Life possible! We are thrilled to share an incredible opportunity for you to amplify your impact–and make sure you mark VAN when donating so we know it is part of this project.
We can’t wait to share more life-choice stories with YOU!