Black Abortion Statistics

According to the Ohio Department of Health, in 2023, for every one white baby aborted in Hamilton County, 3.5 black babies were killed.

  • 1,958 total abortions in Hamilton County
  • 1,432 Black and or minority abortions
  • 526 white abortions

62% of Hamilton County Ohio citizens are white
25% of Hamilton County citizens are black

This genocide is happening at Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio on Auburn Ave.

This for-profit business was formerly named the Margaret Sanger Center.

Margaret Sanger, a known racist and eugenicist, famously wrote to Dr. Clarence Gamble, the grandson of James Gamble, co-founder of Procter & Gamble,

“We don’t want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”