SHOCKING – Disgusting Abortion Comments from Kentucky Governor Beshear Aimed at Senator JD Vance’s Family

How low can Beshear go?

In a Tuesday morning interview on MSNBC, Governor Andy Beshear crossed a line. A big, big, big line. During the interview from the DNC, Beshear spewed filthy evil when he stated, “I mean, JD Vance calls pregnancy resulting from rape ‘inconvenient.’ Inconvenience is traffic. I mean, make him go through this.” Immediately, media influencers began expressing outrage over the comments, pointing out the KY Governor was calling for a relative of Senator Vance’s to experience becoming pregnant from rape.

Cincinnati Right to Life believes women who become pregnant from rape deserve love, compassion, and empathy. Emotional, spiritual, and material support should be provided for victims of rape while they receive outstanding healthcare and counseling. The violence of abortion is not an answer for the violence of rape. From the first spark of life, every person bears the image of their Creator.

Rebecca Kiessling, an outstanding pro-life advocate, spoke at our 2023 Evening for Life. She shared with our room of tear-filled attendees, her story of finding out she was conceived in rape. Her mother attempted to abort Rebecca three times, but miraculously Rebecca is a survivor and now a mother, a lawyer, and a pro-life warrior. Rebecca testified in 2018 for Ohio’s Heartbeat Bill.

During the 2022 Pennsylvania election, US Senator primary candidate, Kathy Barnette revealed her mother was 11 when Kathy was raped and conceived. Kathy’s mother was fully supported by her own mother who told her, “You’re pregnant so we’re going to get through this.” And Kathy shared the attitude was, “I was pregnant and she was going to be born.” Kathy’s testimony is a MUST WATCH. “Aborting me would not have eased the trauma that my mother suffered.”

Abortion, once was touted as “safe, legal, and rare” by the DNC. Abortion, the poisoning or violent dismemberment of pre-born children, is now on the main stage for the Democrats this week. And as we have reported, instead of free t-shirts in Chicago for the convention, the Abortion Party is giving away free vasectomies and free chemical abortions. In 2022 the state of Illinois reported over 56,000 abortions and is experiencing an “abortion surge” in the state. For comparison, in 2022, Ohio lost just over 20,000 unborn babies through the violence of abortion.