The Abortion March on Ohio is Gearing Up Again

When will the Ohio abortion industry be happy? 

Our guess, when every single abortion law protecting women and unborn babies in Ohio is removed in the Buckeye State. Translation, the Ohio abortion industry will only rest when they have free reign to execute any unborn baby, at any gestational age, for any reason.

We have proof.

Ohio’s Heartbeat Law is being challenged and has been on “stay” since Christian Jenkins, a Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge, known to be an abortion activist, paused Ohio’s Heartbeat Law in September of 2022 after it had been in effect for two and a half months, saving hundreds, if not thousands of children. There were 15% fewer Ohio abortions in 2022 than in 2021, due to the Heartbeat Law being enforced for a short time. Judge Christian Jenkins has scheduled a decision on the law for Friday, August 29, after several delays of decision. 

On Friday, August 16, Franklin County Common Pleas Court Judge David Young heard from Attorney General Dave Yost’s office as they argued against a March, 2024 filing from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and others seeking to remove Ohio’s 24-hour abortion waiting period. Ohio’s abortion industry desires abortion-on-demand in the Buckeye State while also desiring the removal of Ohio’s mandatory information requirement for abortion, a law that took effect in 1992. The Ohio abortion information law was then amended in 1998, requiring in-person communication to mothers about their unborn baby’s development. Ohio abortion has, for the most part, consistently declined since 1998 when these laws were enforced.

As reported in, Ohio is one of 33 states that requires such counseling before an abortion is performed; one of 29 states that details what information abortion providers must give these patients; one of 28 states that requires patients to wait a specific amount of time for their abortion after counseling; and one of just 16 states that requires this counseling take place in person, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

Current Ohio abortion law permits a mother to execute her son or daughter until 21 weeks and six days gestation, causing Ohio to become a destination for many out-of-state mothers seeking, or more often, being pressured to deny life and dismember, decapitate, and poison their precious unborn baby. Studies report that more than 60% of moms who denied life to their baby, were pressured into the decision.

Currently in Ohio there are nine abortion facilities. Six of these killing businesses are considered “surgical centers” where the for-profit businesses perform a violent procedure on the mothers after selling them the death of their child. Three Ohio abortion facilities are “pill-mills” or more politely, “medication-only clinics.” Abortion pills are wreaking havoc on mothers, killing unborn babies, as well as destroying our environment. Dangerous chemicals and the remains of the unborn pollute our water systems

In Cincinnati, we especially are a destination for southern moms seeking to kill their unborn baby. Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Indiana, West Virginia, and Florida are surgical abortion-free. Where are the mothers traveling for their abortions? Cincinnati. Nan Whaley, the new leader of the death business in Clifton shared, “The 24-hour waiting period is a real challenge for people coming from long distances that, unfortunately, have to come in from long distances to access abortion care, we’re becoming a safe-haven state – and we see this in the Cincinnati clinic, particularly – the (24-hour waiting) rule is holding up the ability for us to serve more patients.”

Cincinnati Right to Life and other pro-life organizations warned of the blood-bath that would occur in Ohio if Issue 1 passed. Laura Strietmann, Executive Director of Cincinnati Right to Life shares, “While we are people of hope, our work in Ohio, especially Cincinnati, is grueling right now. The dedicated staff and volunteers that record the Planned Parenthood traffic on Auburn Ave. have seen an obscene rise in the number of cars entering the local death-mill. Somber, weeping moms will stop to talk with the law-abiding, trained advocates before entering Planned Parenthood. There are frequent turn-aways where mothers are given immediate, free pregnancy-tests and ultra-sounds. Lives are being saved during such a disastrous holocaust in Clifton.”

Ohio abortion statistics are slow to arrive in reports to the citizens of the state. The 2023 abortion numbers have still not been reported publicly, eight months into the next year, but the numbers are expected at the end of September. The Ohio Abortion Report is slower than molasses in an igloo. There will surely be a dramatic increase from 2022 to 2023. Also, most certainly, the 2024 pace of abortion traffic is outnumbering the 2023 rate of unborn killing in Ohio.

“Ohio, the Chopped-Up Heart, Livers, Lungs, and Brains of it all.” may be an appropriate new name for the state that birthed the pro-life movement. God help us all, and most especially may God help the babies that will die here as well as their mothers that will live with a deeply wounded heart. 

The photo of the red bins is a weekly occurrence in Clifton as the corpses of the unborn are taken away and driven to Indiana to be incinerated in a furnace.