40 Days for Life National Leader brings message of ‘the beginning of the end of abortion’ to Cincinnati

September 7, 2023 513-365-2606/cincy40days@fuse.net
40 Days for Life national leader brings message of ‘the beginning of the end of abortion’ to Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, OH – Former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino, the director of outreach of the peaceful, prayerful, effective 40 Days for Life project, will tell the story of this groundbreaking effort in Cincinnati on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. Trevino will be speaking at the Kickoff Rally, which is set for 7:00pm in front of Planned Parenthood at 2314 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219.
“People in the Greater Cincinnati area have made extraordinary sacrifices to expose the abortion industry and to protect pre-born children and their mothers from abortion,” Trevino said. “I’m honored to be able to join these folks in prayer. Their efforts illustrate why we’re seeing historic changes – more mothers choosing life, more abortion workers experiencing conversions and leaving the abortion industry, and more abortion centers closing their doors for good.”
“We are tremendously pleased that Ramona will be here to support our 40 Days for Life effort,” said Mary Clark, spokesperson for the local 40 Days for Life campaign in Cincinnati. “She’s an energetic, enthusiastic speaker, and we know she will be an inspiration.” Scripture and song will be a part of the hour and Protestant and Catholic prayer leaders will take part in the rally. Information on how to participate in the campaign will be shared. Participants are asked to park at Holy Name Church, 2422 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219 or on side streets. Cincinnati is one of hundreds of communities around the world conducting simultaneous 40 Days for Life campaigns from Wednesday, September 27 through Sunday, November 5, 2023.
40 Days for Life is an intensive campaign that focuses on 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, peaceful vigil at abortion facilities, and grassroots educational outreach. Since 40 Days for Life began, over 20,000 mothers have chosen life for their children; more than 200 abortion workers have quit their jobs; and over 100 abortion centers where 40 Days for Life vigils have been held have gone out of business.
Trevino previously managed a Planned Parenthood abortion referral facility in Sherman, Texas, until 2011, when God used the prayers andpublic witness of a 40 Days for Life campaign to move her to leave her job and reclaim her walk with Christ. Ramona’s resignation from Planned Parenthood resulted in her former center going out of business. Ramona is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She is the author of Redeemed by Grace: A Catholic Woman’s Journey to Planned Parenthood and Back.
To learn more about 40 Days for Life, visit: www.40daysforlife.com. For information about the Cincinnati campaign, visit: www.40daysforlife.com/cincinnati, or contact Mary Clark at 513-365-2606/ cincy40days@fuse.net