Saving One Life at a Time

This family needs your help!

T and T and their 5 children just came out of homelessness. With community help they secured a new apartment and got back to work. Sadly, their only car broke down with a repair needed that cost more than the value of the car. At the same time this family found out they were expecting their sixth baby.

As our culture does to families like theirs, this new 12-week baby was perceived as a problem, not a gift. This is when we met mom.

Cincinnati Right to Life has a robust Sidewalk Advocacy program well under way, where on some days, over 15 cars stop for conversations outside of Planned Parenthood. Our newest staff member Adam is managing this expanded program of Cincinnati RTL as we work to lower the numbers of customers of Southwest Ohio’s largest abortion facility where they kill hundreds of pre-born children each week and remove the crushed babies in red bins.

If we cannot get help protecting women and pre-born babies in Columbus through our laws, then we must reach the customers as they enter the killing facility and then divert them to a pregnancy center.

As the “perfect” customer of Planned Parenthood this, young, black, vulnerable, mom had just been sold an abortion. After the meeting on the sidewalk where mom was able to share her perceived obstacles of giving her son or daughter life, offers of help were assured. After a visit to a pregnancy center for another ultrasound, where this time mom and dad looked in awe as the baby played peek-a-boo, life was chosen, praise God!

This is now where we need your help. CRTL has opened an on-line donation account to raise money to fund the purchase of a used mini-van for this family. With a vehicle, mom and dad can get back to work and get caught up on rent.

The family was also hungry and in need of other expenses covered to get them back on track. Cincinnati RTL, because of our community of generous supporters, was able to help with the family’s immediate needs. Food, bills paid, and rides for the children were provided.

The last piece of the puzzle is transportation so they can get back to work.

Read more of the story here and of course any little bit of support will help to purchase the used mini-van. Prayers are most important and needed. All of our work is guided by the Lord. Any extra funds will be used to stock their empty cupboards with food and cover gas and insurance until they are caught up and working again. This is how we save lives. This is how we love.

There are more layers to the story that will remain private. Churches, individuals, and other organizations have also been tremendously helpful as we work to remove the obstacles, not the baby.

We thank you all, and this family will enter a mentorship program to make sure the path forward is fruitful and fulfilling. T and T are overwhelmed with gratitude! Navigating the social services system is exhausting, and when overwhelmed, can be paralyzing.

This is the perfect example of why women choose abortion. With little, to no family help, and desperate circumstances, women are told the abortion will solve their problems. (and given a “scholarship” to fund the abortion!) How wrong this is! FUND THE CAR HERE

Thank you, thank you, thank you Cincinnati Right to Life community! Without your continued generosity, we would not have been able to expand our work to include rescuing women and babies in front of Planned Parenthood, Southwest Ohio’s most deadly abortion facility.